The Stoic model of mind has something like readiness potential called "phantasiai" or initial impressions. Phantasiai are mental phenomena imposed by the environment. They are pre-cognitive and can have positive or negative valence. Someone who is unaware of phantasiai as a category will be carried by them i.e. they don't have a decision point between impression and reaction. If you are aware of phantasiai as a category, you can "observe" your impression and choose what to do with it i.e. assent to go along with it or not. The way you've described readiness potential seems like an embodied measurable phantasiai.

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Ooh I like this idea.

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Hey - checking in to see if you're doing alright. You've been pretty quiet and I'm hoping it's because you're taking a positive (as opposed to negative) break.

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I think of Control differently. But have no clue as to how to express it.

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Woah, this is an incredibly cool article. It fits into some theory I'm working on, thank you!

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