Hi Sarah,

What are your thoughts on GeneSmith's adult-brain intelligence enhancement proposal?

I.e.: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/JEhW3HDMKzekDShva/significantly-enhancing-adult-intelligence-with-gene-editing

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Typo: 229%, the abstract spoke of 228% increase in yield.

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Thanks for this wonderful overview, Sarah.

Any thoughts on MOBE (multiplexed orthogonal base editors) - useful new approach or variation on a theme?

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I don't really know how to compare it to other multiplexed base editing methods; this article says it reduces "crosstalk", https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/05/240521124304.htm unwanted edits due to multiple RNAs interacting. without being deep into this field I just assume there's a lot of different methods out there and I don't (yet) feel prepared to pick a winner.

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