It would be pretty amazing to be able to tell if you were pregnant on the same day the egg implants...

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I don't want to tamp down the enthusiasm too much, but I'm not sure the technical hurdles here have actually been solved. I'd like to see input from an actual biochemist, but I have some experience with hormone therapy and had to learn a fair amount about why we get the specific blood tests we do, when they are and aren't reliable, etc. Human sex hormone concentrations are very low. A normal cortisol level is about 20 mcg/ml, where a normal estradiol range for a woman is 25-350 pg/dl. That's a five orders of magnitude difference. This is why you typically need multiple draws to qualify for therapy and it impacts how much blood they need to draw. When concentrations get low enough, they need to ensure they drew enough to detect anything at all. Being able to detect what normally takes a full vial out of a drop of sweat seems questionable.

On the other hand, pregnancy, sure maybe, because estradiol absolutely shoots through the roof when you're pregnant. In the area of a thousand times the normal concentration.

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